Kapow Studio

 Kapow Studio - Promo Videos

Martial Arts Australia invites you to create a custom built promotional video!


Spread your message easier and to
move people with


Let your customers and viewers see
what you can

Calls To Action

Promote a special deal or sale in our
videos to attract
more customers.

 Have a custom built or pre made promo video to
share your message in the most powerful way.

  The Action Film Studio allows you as the producer to have free range of what you want to film. It could be for rehearsing a demonstration and you want to find the best angles and see what it looks like to the audience. This space gives you the head height and floor space to create multiple fight scenes in one and capture the action from all angles.

Kapow TV offer a large range of pre-made promotional videos for your gym/club and offer custom made videos JUST FOR YOU! All these promo videos are FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and YOUTUBE ready and can be embedded straight into your website.

 Our Latest Work

Get your own Club Promo Video
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch with more details!
(30sec - 2mins) Videos created with your message / contact details / logo / special offer - Ready To Post & Generate Enquiries!

Choose YOUR Theme

Our Green Screen Studio is available for hire and you can bring your equipment or use ours. Grren screen is great for creating your own look / background without the expense of build a set or going to a location. Of course post production costs for keying does cost extra than a standard studio setting but it can deliver exactly what you are looking for.


With affordable pricing, having a promo video made for you won't put a dent in your income,

Choose YOUR Theme

Our Lounge Style Set allows producers to create a professional intimate interview conversation environment. The studio is not just for sporting associations it gives a slick professional look for many types of businesses from Real Estate, Lawyers to Tradies making you the expert / authority in the field.

Multiple Film Studios

This Traditional Asian / Japanese Set is specifically designed for creating that special / unique look for martial arts instructional videos. It's highly polished wooded floor makes for free flowing movements and the feel of a real dojo. The continuous shoji screen wall print and Japanese garden view, forms a great contrast to the subject figures in their martial arts uniforms. This set backs on to the green screen section allowing for 360 degrees filming if required.

Our Sports News Desk allows clubs to select any style of desk (from our image library or their own image) to fit their brand / code. The front of the desk and the background can not only have the club's name / logo, it can also their sponsor's logos as well.

Kapow Studio, choose YOUR theme
Kapow Studio - Great Pricing for great videos

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